Features of your vehicle

Remote keyless entry
Smart key
Theft-alarm system
Door locks
Fuel filler lid
Panoramic Sunroof
Steering wheel
Instrument cluster
Rear parking assist system Rearview camera
Hazard warning flasher
Wipers and washers
Interior lights
Manual climate control system Automatic climate control system Windshield defrosting and defogging Storage compartments
Interior features
Exterior feature
Audio system

See also:

Instrument panel overview
1. Driver’s Air Bag* 2. Light control / Turn signals 3. Instrument cluster 4. Wiper/Washer 5. Ignition switch 6. Digital clock 7. Hazard 8. Audio controls* 9. Climate control system 10. S ...

Wiper blades
Wiper blade maintenance Commercial hot waxes applied by automatic car washes have been known to make the windshield difficult to clean. Contamination of either the windshield or the wiper blad ...

Fuel filler lid
1. Stop the engine. 2. To open the fuel filler lid, pull the release lever. CAUTION To avoid injury from sharp edges, it is recommended that protective gloves be worn if there is a need to op ...